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Integrity is not lost, but it can be fleeting at times. People might temporarily lose sight of their moral compass, but they can get back on track. As life becomes more challenging and stresses weigh on our minds, we might be swayed to act in a manner we never expected. Our integrity can be challenged by decisions that make it easier to cope. What we forget about is trust. The trust we have in ourselves and the trust others have in us will diminish with every dishonorable compromise.

What is Integrity?

Integrity is your honesty, your moral character and your ability to make ethical decisions. Integrity also describes your accountability and willingness to accept responsibility for your actions and decisions. Integrity builds leaders.

Integrity Inspires Trust

If we can’t trust ourselves, no one else will trust us either. Without integrity, we would live our lives in disgrace, corruption, and dishonesty. Integrity inspires trust within your family, with your colleagues and your personal relationships. Once trust is lost, it’s hard to ask people to trust you again. How forgiving are you of dishonest people? Do you want to live your life as someone people are skeptical of?

The Importance of Integrity in the Workplace

Integrity and trust may be the deal breaker when it comes to your employment. It’s important to maintain integrity in the workplace. You don’t want to create doubt in the minds of your employer, coworkers, employees and clients. Do you take your integrity to work with you?

  • Integrity allows you to accept responsibility for your actions or comments
  • You can be trusted with clients’ funds
  • People will reply on you to make good decisions, instead of doubting you
  • Your relationship with your employer and coworkers won’t be strained by doubt and insecurity
  • Integrity will create a sense of comfort for people who entrust their personal information with you

Integrity in Your Personal Life

Our personal lives are important to our mental health. The relationships we have with our families, our friends and people within our communities, can affect our mental and physical well-being. It’s important we don’t compromise our relationships with people who are important to us with unethical, immoral, or dishonest behavior.

Inspire Integrity

You might have to take an unfiltered look into your morality. Enlisting the help of 360 degree feedback professionals will help you measure your integrity and provide you with vital encouragement to achieve the level of integrity you desire. 360 degree feedback is an enlightening journey into your soul with support to walk you through and help you emerge as a better individual in your workplace, family member and trusted friend. The closer you get to achieving integrity in your life, the more onlookers will respect and admire your ambition. Your willingness to acknowledge your need for change will encourage the people around you to change with you. When your integrity is on display, you inspire a movement of truth and inspiration; you become a model of change. It has to start somewhere, and 360 degree feedback can help integrity start with you.


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