• A simple yet powerful 360 Degree Feedback Development Tool
    FREE for individuals and coaches
  • Our passion is to help people
    It is intended for development, pure and simple
  • A place for candid feedback where biases are reduced
    A safe and anonymous environment

SelfStir Individual 360 degree feedback development solution is one of the most complete free competency development tools on the web. We are a values based organization that is driven by a mission.

The popularity of the 360 degree feedback tool has grown rapidly into the new millennium, and as a result, has been used by millions of executives. We thought…why not offer it to the whole world? Our passion is to help people and this is how we are doing it.

No charge. No commitment required. No time limits. We give you our word.

  • COLLABORATIVE - community driven competency development tool

  • SAFE AND PRIVATE - a safe and private environment to build your competencies outside your work context

  • FRIENDLY - a friendly place to seek help from others using professional and collaborative tools

  • HELPING OTHERS - rich and diverse environment where you can participate in others' development and growth

  • SELF-DRIVEN - take control by initiating your own surveys and setting your own development plan

  • SHARE KNOWLEDGE - share learning experiences and engage in stimulating discussions with peers, coaches, and experts

Individuals from thousands of organizations have used SelfStir

People have different roles and responsibilities at different points in their life. They also operate within different overlapping and intertwined contexts at any point in time such as their work context, their circle of friends, their direct and extended families, community, society, etc. Depending on the above, developmental needs and requirements will vary across these different roles and contexts.

SelfStir individual offers you a powerful set of tools that can help jumpstart (and sustain you on) your leadership developmental journey. 

The ultimate benefit one can get from conducting a 360-degree feedback is increased self-awareness. Simply looking at your results, examining the differences between your perceptions and others’ perceptions of your behavior can give you tremendous insight into how you come across to people, and the possible areas of mismatch between your intentions and actual behavior.

CORE COMPETENCIES - This category groups eight Core Competencies, which are essential for everyone in all walks of life. They provide skills that help you live your life with honor and dignity, and provide you with the basics for success in every context you are in. These competencies provide you with the foundations that every leader must have no matter what other skills you may be strong in.

LEADING SELF - describes you when you are leading your own life and have no work, personal or family dependents. The competencies at this level are there to help you work better by yourself and with others as well as provide you with the foundations to successfully move to higher levels of leading people.

LEADING OTHERS - describes you when you have dependants and are leading them towards a common goal. This could be in the context of work, in a family or with friends. The competencies selected for this level help individuals by providing the foundations of working with other people in a leadership role and having to manage human dynamics in a team, family or group environment.

LEADING COMPLEX SYSTEMS - leading 0rganizations, extended families or communities describes you when you are leading within complex systems and structures. Leadership competencies selected for this level help individuals by providing the foundations that are needed to lead large, complex, and intertwined systems of people.

We offer you many tools and opportunities to develop, once you have seen your results, analysis and pinpointed priority areas for development for yourself. Starting with the 360 degree feedback and self assessment, you move on to self development through action planning and journaling. You will have access to peer coaches and professional coaches that will help you through your journey to self development.
Based on your chosen competencies relevant to your situation and context, recommendations are provided, tailoring to different learning styles.
You may at any point wish to ask for support on your developmental journey. SelfStir gives you the opportunity to connect with peer coaches on the system, or to connect with a professional coach based on your needs and their area of expertise, location, and other criteria.  

Development can happen at many different levels. Timing and readiness are also critical factors that directly affect how slowly or fast you develop. Consider whether the timing is right to develop this competency or the other. Consider your situation and context. Are you going through a major transition in your work, family, or with your friends? Are you stuck in a certain status quo? Ask yourself these questions, and then choose the areas to focus on based on this information.

So whether you are a student, an entry-level employee, a middle manager, a team leader, a high-level executive, a sibling, a parent, grandparent, spouse, friend, a political or community leader, you will benefit from SelfStir if you want to.
SelfStir will help you highlight where your strengths and weaknesses lie, it will help draw your attention to your blind spots, and it will give you the tools to develop. It will help you take your skills and capabilities to higher and higher levels. As a result, you will find yourself gaining wisdom and becoming a better person for it.


  1. Dashboard

    The dashboard is a one-stop shop that captures all of the features in one location for quick navigation. The inbox, connections, and surveys’ status can be accessed from the dashboard as well as a summary of the journal, action items, and profile editing.

  2. Profile

    Completing a user profile makes it easier for other users to find you based on your location, industry, expertise, etc. You can also opt to serve as a peer coach, and you always have the option of keeping your profile private or making it public to other users.

  3. Privacy Settings

    Privacy settings can be adjusted to either remain private (default) or to be public so that people searching for peer coaches can find you. You can also choose to be found by people in a specific location, or by career level and also opt to show or hide your real name, allowing others to only see your user name.

  4. Survey Experience

    The survey experience is intended to be user-friendly, self-driven and fun. You can stop and return to the survey at any time, and you can navigate between pages without losing any of your information. 

  5. Dynamic Reporting

    Once all the raters have responded and a survey is completed, results are immediately available for you to examine and reflect upon. The report consists of a snapshot view of all competencies rated, as well as a detailed and in-depth report for each competency. The hidden strengths, areas for development, and blind spots are also highlighted (if applicable).

  6. Developmental Resources

    The recommendations space offers suggestions on competencies chosen for development based on one’s learning style (reading, listening, watching, attending, and actions). Have fun exploring and trying out some of the developmental suggestions!

  7. PDF Survey Reports (option to buy)

    Users may print their report directly from the browser or have the option to purchase and download the PDF version of the report to print or share with others


  1. Action Planning

    Once competency areas of development are selected, an action plan can be set. Action items can be continuously added, deleted, etc.

  2. Journaling

    This journal feature is a personal online learning and development diary. It is a place where one everything is captured, from personal feelings and reactions of the feedback, to learnings along the way, to goals and action plans, etc…

  3. Search for a Professional Coach

    Search for a professional coach if you think you may benefit from the support of a coach. You can message and/or connect with them.

  4. Search for a Peer Coach

    If you need support on your developmental journey but do not wish to work with (or hire) a professional coach, you can also look for a peer coach. Peer coaches are SelfStir users who have volunteered to help others out in their development. You can message/connect with one or more peer coaches if you feel they might be the right fit for you.

  5. Connect and Share with Others

    You can connect to any other user on the system. This increases networking opportunities, expanding way beyond your natural geographical and industry connections. Users can share and comment on experiences, results, journals, and action items. They can also serve as peer coaches to each other. Additionally, you can connect to and hire professional coaches on SelfStir.

  6. Messaging System

    SelfStir has its own internal messaging system that allows you to send private messages to connections, similar to other social networks.


  7. Knowledge Forum/Discussion Area

    The Knowledge Forum is a space where knowledge is shared. Discussions can be started around anything and everything related to feedback, development, action planning, journaling, and other topics. Other users engage in these discussions by contributing replies. As a user, you have the ability to follow other users and discussions. You can also vote for discussions that you find helpful.

Existing users from 172 countries working in the following industries

  • Oil & Gas

  • Food & Beverage

  • Military

  • Medical Institutions

  • Online Services

  • Educational Institutions

  • Management Consulting

  • Financial Services

  • Automotive

  • Non-Profit

  • Government Administration

  • Consumer Goods

  • Media

  • Air Force

  • Conglomerates

  • NGOs

  • Telecoms


  1. Is my data confidential and secure?

    Your data will never be shared or sold to any third party. We take privacy, security and confidentiality very seriously and our policies apply to all our services from our free individual accounts to our corporate and government accounts.

    We have taken extreme measures to protect our users. You can download and read our extensive Privacy and Security Review here.

    You can also read our privacy policy for the individual account here

  2. Why do you ask for personal info to register?

    You are asked for your first and last names because the whole site and surveys are personalized for you. Year of birth is required for legal purposes; you are not allowed to register if you are below the legal age. Finally, you are asked to specify your gender because the surveys are customized to be gender-specific.

    Unless you chose to make your profile public to other users, this information will never be shared or made public in any way.


  3. What are the benefits from using this tool?

    Carrying out a 360 feedback will provide you with self-awareness and self-knowledge. This is the age-old wisdom of “Know Thyself”. These are key to your own development as a person, as a contributor to this world, as a parent, as a child, as a friend, as an executive, and all other roles that you may play throughout your life.

    SelfStir Individual helps you pinpoint your strengths, weaknesses, hidden strengths, and blind spots. It offers you a place where you can confidentially assess yourself, be assessed by others, and where you can create an action plan, record your thoughts, breakthroughs, and challenges, and ask for help and support from peer or professional coaches.

  1. What are the various assessments you can take?

    SelfStir provides you with tools that help you build core and Leadership competencies. You can do this by carrying out:

    • 360 degree feedback: includes a self assessment, manager, peers and direct reports.
    • 180 degree feedback: includes a self assessment, manager, and peers.
    • Manager Review: includes a self assessment, and manager.
    • Self Assessment, where you take your own self assessment.
    In addition to carrying out the above feedback and self assessment in the work context, we have also customized this feedback within a family context and friends context. Once you begin a new survey, you can select which context you wish the feedback to apply to: work, family or friends.
  2. Do I need to download this tool?

    SelfStir Individual 360-degree feedback and development system is online. You do not need to download any software to your local machine.

  3. Can I have a dual account as a coach and a user?

    Yes, you can have a coach and user account, but you must use different emails, for security reasons.

  1. A free 360 tool? Where’s the catch?

    We support our site with non-intrusive, relevant ads which will financially support us in maintaining and continually developing this site and the community within it (that’s YOU!!).

  2. Do you follow a specific 360° feedback model?

    Our competency model is based on wisdom, which we believe is the highest level leadership competency that people can strive to develop. Our core competencies reflect what we believe are core human essentials in any walk of life.

    Competencies in the “Leading Self” category are based on followership, “Leading Others” on leadership and leading, and finally “Leading Organizations” include competencies needed for organizational development and organizational design, a process that requires wisdom, collaborative decision making, and such higher level competencies essential for setting up a structure for achievement, organizational culture and values, etc… The competencies we chose to include are certainly not comprehensive, but based on our collective experience, these are ones we believe are the most important or critical for the different aspects and contexts of leadership.

    You can see our full list of competencies by clicking here.

  3. Where do I go if I have a question?

    You can contact us via the Feedback and Support button on the left of every page, and you can go to the FAQs or Help section on the website.